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Chapter 1 - Page 58: Of Oreos and Hocus-Pocus - by kenisu3000

Chapter 1 - Page 58: Of Oreos and Hocus-Pocus

kenisu - #58
I've always felt the livingroom was awfully... stark. I designed it similar to what's seen in the game, knowing full well how bland and... I dunno, threadbare(?) it looked, but I wanted to keep it that way, just for a laughable throwback to the simple 8-bit design of the game. But dang, after drawing and coloring all these pages, it seems to me that I should have at least succumbed to wallpaper, windows and a light fixture! What kind of psycho house -doesn't- have windows around its front door? And without those windows or an immediate light source aside from the kitchen window, how could it be so bright indoors? That's the price of adhering 100% to the game's design for the house's exterior first, THEN putting together the interior. You look at the inner layout and realize it doesn't conform to the outer structure at all. In the game, the front door, as seen from the the livingroom, is brown and square at the top, with no built-in window, but outside, it's gray with a rounded top and window, AND the doorknob's on the wrong side! So I changed it to fit the outside appearance. At least that's one claim to consistency I can make.

I need a life.

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kenisu3000 Chapter 2 - Page 83: Resolve
kenisu - #83
This was a pretty tricky business, trying to come up with lines that, to my ears, didn’t sound corny and overused, and at the same time making sure the gestures didn’t climb into “Milking the Giant Cow” territory. I’m still not even sure if this succeeded.
That’s a carnation on the Mothersday welcome sign, by the way.
5/24/10 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 2 - Page 84: Welcome to Mothersday
kenisu - #84
Not much to say here, except yep, this is Mothersday. I think for my next establishing shot, I’ll try a two-page spread. :)
7/30/10 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 2 - Page 85: Ed the Corner Guy
kenisu - #85
Ed's design comes from the rotund, red-clad NPC you meet just as you get into Mothersday, who says "Did a poltergeist visit your house? It tore mine apart."
8/11/10 0.00
kenisu3000 Chapter 2 - Page 86: A Stop By the Wayside
kenisu - #86
I decided to draw Ninten’s little imaginings in real crayons! (And yes, they’re Crayola crayons.)

Also, I decided never to do that again! (I had forgotten how messy crayons are.)
8/1/11 0.00
kenisu3000 Collage of Swimming LOLcats
(Late-night) impressions of the swimming cat from EarthBound Zero's Magicant. I need to get some sleep...
3/12/09 0.00


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