Lucas and Evil Villain - Movie Stars

First pic, those guys looks like Pokey and Lucas; second pic, had to show the Lucas clone with his slingshot; third pic, BLUE BLUE!!
Seriously, this movie has the most EB/MOTHER 3 references I've ever seen (there are many more besides just those three). Can you believe they're all from 'Leprechaun', that dumb horror movie starring Warwick Davis? XD

First pic, those guys looks like Pokey and Lucas; second pic, had to show the Lucas clone with his slingshot; third pic, BLUE BLUE!!
Seriously, this movie has the most EB/MOTHER 3 references I've ever seen (there are many more besides just those three). Can you believe they're all from 'Leprechaun', that dumb horror movie starring Warwick Davis? XD