Chapter 1 - Page 48: What Happened With Mimmie

kenisu - #48
As you may be able to tell, in the first flashback panel, where Mimmie is looking at her door, I accidentally and absentmindedly gave her Minnie's color scheme... then realized what I had done, went "oh, snap" and erased the red as well I could, and replaced it with the purple scheme - though it's still very red-tinted.
Blasted twins.

kenisu - #48
As you may be able to tell, in the first flashback panel, where Mimmie is looking at her door, I accidentally and absentmindedly gave her Minnie's color scheme... then realized what I had done, went "oh, snap" and erased the red as well I could, and replaced it with the purple scheme - though it's still very red-tinted.
Blasted twins.