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Prologue - Page 7: Suzannah and Johnny - by kenisu3000

Prologue - Page 7: Suzannah and Johnny

kenisu - #07
Here, we get to meet three of my original characters: George and Maria's son, Johnny (I guess if I had to give him an age, I'd say about five), Maria's sister Suzannah, and James, who was mentioned on Page 3.
I knew that since George and Maria had a legacy that HAD to have been laid down BEFORE the abduction, then they must have had a child that had been perhaps overlooked in the kidnapping. To emphasize this, I gave them a son, designed him the way I draw Ninten (just with brown hair and newsie-style clothes), and I made it so that during the abduction, he had been out visiting his aunt Suzannah. Also, note the continued use of British dialect: Johnny refers to his mother as "mum".
At first I wanted the next page after the George-and-Maria scream and the shattering-of-the-eyeglasses to be where Suzannah brings Johnny home, to find the house completely abandoned. Instead, I realized there would need to be some more introduction to these characters, and maybe some interaction with others before they discovered the awful truth. That's how James became more than just a fleeting mention made by George. So, I threw in some more character establishment, and the "Big Discovery" was shifted to Page 8.
I made James to resemble the typical old farmer, jaded by the "young whipper-snappers these days", and I gave him a corn field. Corn fields are great if you want to write something scary. Also, there's a little nuance which I don't think was made clear enough: James' home is the 1906 equivalent of the house in 1988 of the fat guy who says his house was torn apart by a poltergeist.

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kenisu3000 "Whose Hat is This?" coloring book, pgs. 1 & 2
whohat - #02
I've found that in the Mother 1/EB Zero universe, there's two types of fans: those who refer to the lead character as "Ninten", and those who call him "Ken" (after Saori Kumi's Mother novel). I'm of the former crowd, but in *this* particular instance I decided to go with "Ken", since it would be just plain weird for a bunch of kids who don't understand the game to be reading about someone whose name is strikingly close to "Nintendo". All the same, it was awfully weird for ME to write the story, since Ken is just a shortened version of my OWN name (Kenneth), which I generally don't like to be called.
But anyway, check out Page 2. Since the Paradise Line only has about what, six or seven destinations TOTAL, that's gotta be one tiny catalogue. Either that or they dedicated a whole page to each individual town.
9/25/06 8.00
kenisu3000 Whose Hat is This? Coloring Book Title Page
whohat - #01
Last month, my church was doing a service project for the local crisis center, and they asked me to illustrate a coloring book for the kids. By this time, I was already deeply immersed in my "Mother" comic series for the site, and I knew from past experience that if I sidetracked myself, I might never get back around to the comic. I also knew that even if I illustrated this coloring book, my heart just wouldn't be in it unless it was something that I felt very close to. So, instead of throwing together some goofy little "See Spot Run" thing, I decided to take a tiny piece of the storyline from Mother 1 (that is, when Ninten and Lloyd bring Anna her hat) and kiddify it for all it's worth.
The irony of it all is, now there's probably a handful of kids in my hometown running around with their crayons scribbling in a coloring book based on a retro Nintendo game that never made it outside of Japan. And they don't even know it. I've brainwashed the children... :)
9/25/06 10.00
kenisu3000 Ninten Has an Opposable Thumb!
When the scanner's away, the MS Paint will play.
3/24/10 0.00
kenisu3000 MOTHER Christmas Theatre: Page 3 (Lucas's Gift)
When I drew the horsey-pole (and it wasn't until after I drew this whole thing that I remembered that they're called stickhorses) in panel 3, I realized it looked a whole lot like a shot from a certain semi-annoying YouTube video that I adore, so I threw in that completely unrelated line "We're on a BRIDGE, Charlie!" Hooray for stupid inside jokes in webcomics that only web-savvy people get.
3/25/08 0.00
kenisu3000 Patches the Wonder Cat
Welcome to Magicat... err, Magicant!
3/13/09 0.00


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