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"Whose Hat is This?" coloring book, pgs. 13-14 - by kenisu3000

"Whose Hat is This?" coloring book, pgs. 13-14

whohat - #08
I knew I was approaching the end of the book, and I was a little behind on schedule, so I wanted to rush things a bit. Instead of the pair walking all the way deeper into Snowman to get to the church where Anna resides with her father (where I was playing with the idea of having Anna heal Lloyd using her psychic powers, but I decided against that since some of the parents of the children coloring this book might be the paranoid "witch-hunter" type), I put Anna right there in town at the store, having conveniently just bought some medicine herself. And she gives some to Lloyd, who then, simply put, feels better. I know that's a laughably bad cop-out from having to say "two weeks and several periodic doses later he felt better", but that's just how I do things.
On another note, I was so proud of myself for the way I drew Anna's face on Page 13, because it was so professional-looking and just so... symmetrical! but when I inked it in using my big oaf pen, since she's standing in the distance and the lines on her face are smaller, the overuse of ink kinda messed it up. I've since learned to use smaller-tipped pens for inking.

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kenisu3000 Confident Ninten
Aaaand this has to be... I think the nineteen-billionth time I've drawn Ninten?
6/7/12 0.00
kenisu3000 DO NOT WANT
Thanks, Artemis :)
6/4/07 9.61
kenisu3000 Forward we Go into an Unknown Doom
This is my homage to the image that I attribute as my very first impression of EarthBound Zero/Mother 1. Years back, before I even began playing it, I came across the image on the back of the Mother 1 soundtrack on this site (when it was still, and it still haunts me to this day. Three years after playing through the game, I found out that it was actually a screencap from an old commercial aired on Japanese TV when the game was first released in 1989. That took away a big chunk of the mystery surrounding my enrapturement of this image (it was a "the magic is gone" sort of experience), but I will forever treasure this as the one icon to represent everything the first Mother game symbolizes.
Albeit I changed it from the exact image to a few moments before, when Lloyd points to the glowing summit of Holy Loly.
9/30/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Frankystein Mark I
Not Mark II... Mark I!
Oddly enough, the post I uploaded this to in the forum got a downvote. Apparently, someone has a childhood trauma involving Jack-in-the-Boxes (well, I know *I* do, but...).
4/17/09 0.00
kenisu3000 From Mr. Batty with Love
...And yet, Ness has no scruples with trash-digging.
6/15/09 9.00


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