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"Whose Hat is This?" coloring book, pgs. 13-14 - by kenisu3000

"Whose Hat is This?" coloring book, pgs. 13-14

whohat - #08
I knew I was approaching the end of the book, and I was a little behind on schedule, so I wanted to rush things a bit. Instead of the pair walking all the way deeper into Snowman to get to the church where Anna resides with her father (where I was playing with the idea of having Anna heal Lloyd using her psychic powers, but I decided against that since some of the parents of the children coloring this book might be the paranoid "witch-hunter" type), I put Anna right there in town at the store, having conveniently just bought some medicine herself. And she gives some to Lloyd, who then, simply put, feels better. I know that's a laughably bad cop-out from having to say "two weeks and several periodic doses later he felt better", but that's just how I do things.
On another note, I was so proud of myself for the way I drew Anna's face on Page 13, because it was so professional-looking and just so... symmetrical! but when I inked it in using my big oaf pen, since she's standing in the distance and the lines on her face are smaller, the overuse of ink kinda messed it up. I've since learned to use smaller-tipped pens for inking.

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kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 11: In the Guest Room Lies...
kenisu - #11
It wasn't until I gave James the line "Why did you bring the boy?" that I realized I must have unconsciously designed him after James "Jimmy" Stewart (the line reminded me of the movie "Shenandoah", where Stewart refers to his own son as "the boy", when speaking to his wife's grave after a huge mess of tragedy happens to the family - he names off everyone in his family that was killed, and since his son was sent into the Civil War against his will, Stewart's character had not heard anything of him for years, and so he adds to his wife "...and probably the boy..."
10/22/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 12: Penetrating an Impenetrable Wall
kenisu - #12
I wanted this scene to be extrememly tense. Hopefully I communicated that well.
10/29/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 13: George in Desperation
kenisu - #13
I love that first panel on the bottom row. George is sitting on the bed staring at his feet like a naughty little boy and Suzannah and James are like his parents scolding him :)
10/29/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 16: Constant Vigilance!
kenisu - #16
Trying to explain some of the WHYs and HOWs of a story tends to get a little hokey and unbelievable in my case. Just bear with me and accept it as gospel: James WOULD have heard that window opening (even if he were asleep... or tending to his crops... or in town...).
I was so half-tempted to have James bark "Constant Vigilance!!!" after his "I would hear the window being opened" line :)
11/6/06 0.00
kenisu3000 Prologue - Page 17: Town Anxiety
kenisu - #17
Ever since I finished EB Zero back in 2000, whenever I imagined George poring over his notes, I pictured him sitting at a scanty table in a dark, dank basement scene. It feels soooo nice to be able to put these long-time mental images on paper.
Also, I was originally going to color the mayor's over-vest red, but then when I looked at the next-to-last panel (where he's silencing Suzannah), I realized that I made him look awfully Russian, so instead, I colored his vest blue. And speaking of Suzannah, I think I may have made yet another historical oopsie here: back in those days, women had very few privileges, so what are several women doing at a TOWN COUNCIL MEETING? Of course, from the very beginning, I knew I wanted the characters to have some sort of audience with the mayor to discuss the situation with George, but originally it was supposed to be a small enclosed meeting with her, James, a FEW involved townsfolk, and the mayor; but eventually it evolved into a full-out town council meeting.
At any rate, I needed Suzannah present to be able to move the story forward. So I fudged a little.
11/6/06 0.00


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