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Salsa Wallet - by PoeTrader

Salsa Wallet

I was shopping for a new wallet and found this one buried underneath tons of Tinkerbell ones. It reminds me of Salsa doing his little dance. :D

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Other Submissions by PoeTrader

Author Sort Ascending Sort Descending Title Sort Ascending Sort Descending Description Sort Ascending Sort Descending Date Sort Ascending Sort Descending Rank Sort Ascending Sort Descending
PoeTrader Saturn Love
I have a fish named 'Mr. Saturn' and the Mr. Saturns of the world need to stick together!
1/7/05 0.00
PoeTrader Saturn Witch
I made Mr. Saturn a witch costume out of old Halloween costumes.
10/27/07 0.00
PoeTrader Poe Plays Mother 3
I played Mother 3 on my Game Boy Player. I don't really like playing games on a small screen if I don't absolutely have to. As you can also see, I decided against getting a Deluxe Box in the end. :X
5/3/06 0.00
PoeTrader Threed Tree
I saw this tree that greatly resembles one that you would see in Threed.

2/7/07 0.00
PoeTrader EarthBound Cookies
I tried to bake some EB-themed cookies last year on EB's 10-Year Anniversary. However, as you can see, I'm terrible at baking, so they didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. They still tasted good, though!

Top row: Foppy, Mr. Saturn, Smilin' Sphere
Middle row: Tomato, French Kiss of Death, Ramblin' Evil Mushroom
Bottom Row: Worthless Protoplasm and two random hunks of dough since I had extra.
12/5/06 0.00


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